Thursday, February 5, 2009

Rhett goes to the Doctor

This has been one of those weeks where we interact with doctors a lot. On a personal level, I started fertility treatments yesterday to donate eggs to a couple we know who are infertile. But HEY, this blog isn't about that, it's about the kids.

Rhett's appointment on Monday was in Cornwall at the pediatrician. We waited 2.5 hours to be seen--at about the 2 hour mark, Rhett yelled at the receptionist "Where's THAT DOCTOR??", repeating something his mom may have said quietly.

Rhett's been seeing the pediatician for juicy poopy pants and being so small. Remember on the Simpsons when Bart tells the miniature horse he wouldn't be so small if he didn't poop so much? Well, that's the deal with Rhett. So they tested him for parasites, and Gilbert's syndrome, and liver failure, and cystic fibrosis, and some other stuff, and thankfully came up with nothing. At this appointment the doctor actually showed us that his growth has moved into the "normal" range, which was the best news yet. I have been stuffing him full of ice cream ever since for being such as good kid and eating his dinner now and then.

And Wednesday, we were at CHEO, where they are monitoring Rhett's bone condition. All the cysts are stabilized, except the big ole one on his hand. So they're going to operate and take that one off soon, so the boy may still be a muscian yet.

WHen I asked Rhett if he wanted the doctors to take his bo-bo off, he sighed and said "yes.... it's okay, mom." I guess I must have sounded a little stressed over it all. So we'll find out some time this year when his surgery will be.

And for good measure, here's a picture of the little stinkers. I have to go pick them up from daycare in a few minutes anyway.

In the Beginning...

This is a blog dedicated to keeping up with the Jameses... in particular, two young boys named Nathaniel Lawrence James, and Rhett Timothy James. How this blog came about is, in a way, a dedication of this blog. A bit more than a year ago, a friend of Kevin's had his first son, who they named Gibson. I am not close with Kevin's friend, but man do I love reading about Gibson! I realized that those little stories that happen day to day make you feel close to someone, and I now feel close to a little boy I've never met, whose parents I barely know. Why? Because I keep up with his day to day on the blog.

So, it occured to me that I have lots of friends and family who might be interested in keeping up with Nate and Rhett. If you received an invite to this blog, you're one of them. I'm going to try to post lots of pictures, and talk about the little, funny things from day to day. That will be my next post. Enjoy!